
The problem with blogs like this one is that it crosses back and forth between personal and professional. That means my family is bored to tears reading about the finer points of HS classification. Customs compliance professionals, on the other hand are left wondering "who is this guy and why do I care about the spider in his basement or his theories on Clifford the Big Red Dog?" It's a risk I take and I hope the professionals will continue to indulge me with the promise that I will get back on topic soon.

The Great Chicago Hurricane of 2007 brought 70 MPH winds through my neighborhood. More than four inches of rain fell in only an hour or so. This follows a solid month of rain, so the ground was saturated the water had nowhere to run, except into my basement.

For those of you not familiar with the midwest, it is flat here. Water accumaltes under foundations. To avoid basements that resemble turtle habitats, we have sump pumps. These pumps are great so long as you have power. In my case, that was right up until the neighbor's tree fell over and toppled a utility pole. The power line was literally yanked from my house. Water filled the basement quickly to a depth of about 8 inches. Enough to float paint cans and action figures. We spent the day moving wet junk to the curb and using a borrowed generator to run our pumps. It is late, I wrenched my back, and now I am going to sleep.


I believe blogger has a feature called labels that allows you to identify the content as personal or professional (or whatever other label you want to come up with). If blogger's labels work the same way as categories in wordpress, they each have RSS feeds, which would allow readers to choose which labels they want to subscribe to, and which they can ignore.
Larry said…
Scott is correct. I do label my posts with tags. I am not doing that for now as my most recent posts have been via my Treo mobile phone. That also explains the lack of links and pictures, which I will add later.

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