
Showing posts from September, 2010

Redelivery and Conflicts

Sometimes, we all have to take a big breath, close our eyes, and wade into a 64 page Court of International Trade Opinion. In this case, that opinion is United States v. Pressman-Gutman Co. The substance of this case is interesting in that it deal with the liability a surety has when the importer breaches the terms of its customs bond. In particular, Customs was seeking $120,000 for Pressman-Gutman's failure to redeliver merchandise to Customs. When the importer failed to redeliver, Customs sought liquidated damages from Pressman-Gutman. This is the usual course of action because merchandise is, more often than not, already gone by the time the importer received the Notice to Redeliver. When Pressman did not pay the liquidated damages, Customs sought payment from American Motorist Insurance Co, or AMICO the surety. The surety also refused to pay and moved for additional collateral to protect it from what it viewed as impending liability and also for attorneys fees related to the

Requests for Information As Disclosure Terminators

Recently, I mentioned that nothing of interest has been going on. That was a mistake. For weeks, I have been working on several fronts on an issue of interest to all importers. I think because I have been involved for a while, and because the issue started slowly enough, I did not notice that lots of people now seem to care. So, consider this a catch up post. The issue in question is whether Customs and Border Protection can use the common Request for Information (CF28) or Notice of Action (CF29) as the record of the commencement of an investigation and evidence proving that an importer has received notice of the commencement of an investigation. This matters for several reasons. Most important, importers who discover violations of certain customs laws may protect themselves from civil penalties (in excess of interest on unpaid duties) by completing a voluntary prior disclosure. In the disclosure, the importer sets out the incorrect and the corrected information, tenders duties owe

What's Happening

This is just a reminder that I am still here, in case you were wondering. I have been on the lookout for something interest to post. Lately, there have been slim pickings. The ACLU is pursuing another lawsuit challenging Customs and Border Protection's policy and practice of relating to searches of digital storage devices including laptops and phones at the border. Here is their press release . I wish them luck, but they have a very tough legal row to hoe. The advantage that the ACLU has in its case is that the plaintiff is a much more sympathetic character than the child porn smuggler usually caught up in these cases. On top of that, I should alert you to a couple upcoming speaking gigs, both NAFTA related. First, I will be talking about NAFTA verifications at the International Trade Club of Chicago on Friday, September 24. Then, I am really excited to be doing a full-day presentation on NAFTA, internal reviews, and planning for compliance for the Midwest Global Trade Assoc

Hey Accountants!

I have an article in the latest edition of BNA Tax Planning International, Indirect Taxes (Vol. 8, No. 8, Aug. 2010). The article is entitled "Challenging Customs in the United States Court of International Trade." I'd provide a link to the article, but it is in an old-school paper publication and the on-line version requires a subscription. So, run out and look for the article on the newsstand. I hope it is next to something with Kim Kardashian on the cover.