Foreign Trade Zones and NAFTA
This is a bit advanced, but it is interesting. There are probably people out there who have had the bright idea to double up on duty savings by producing NAFTA goods in a foreign trade zone. If you are doing that, be careful. First, you need to understand FTZs a bit. For those who might not know, an FTZ is a specially designated area that is considered to be legally outside of the customs territory of the United States. FTZs are supposed to be reasonably close to ports of entry and are often divided into sub-zones for different users and purposes. FTZs are usually "granted" to a public or quasi-public entity like a Port Authority. The overall operation is then granted to some private entity. The agency in charge of all this is the Foreign Trade Zones Board though Customs and Border Protection does the heavy lifting on enforcement. The beauty of a foreign trade zone is that importers can move goods into the zone and not make a customs entry until the goods are withdrawn