Larry in the News

Yesterday, I was interviewed by the Daily Herald about the inter-agency working group on product safety. The impetus for this was a visit to Chicago's O'Hare international mail facility by HHS Secretary Michael Leavitt. You can read the story here.

By the way, how is it that I can only generate a single comment to the last post? I know (generally) who reads this blog. I know that there are lots of customs lawyers, business people, and government folks visiting. Throw me a bone people! It takes some effort on my part to inform and entertain you. Only one of you was inspired enough by the stuffed animal/radio image to know I was thinking that the Whirlpool case should have discussed composite goods. Thanks to that anonymous comment poster for covering for me.

Keep it up and the rest of you will get nothing but links to You Tube videos of this guy.


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