CAFC: Drawback Claims Must Be Complete
Just when I though I had some breathing room, things are getting busy again. Not that I am complaining. The Courts have been busy too. The Federal Circuit just issued a decision in a drawback case called Shell Oil Company v. United States in which is affirmed the Court of International Trade's decision. Oddly, I can't find a post on the earlier case. You can read the opinion here . Shell involves drawback claims for Harbor Maintenance Tax and Environmental Tax Shell paid on petroleum imports that were then exported or substitute merchandise was exported. Shell made the claims but, because the ability to claim drawback on HMT and ET were being hotly contested at the time, it did not include those amounts in its calculation of the amount claimed. Subsequently, in 1999, Congress amended the drawback law to clarify that any duty, fee, or tax imposed under federal law because of importation could be the subject of refunds under drawback. To facilitate this, Congress also created