UPDATE: In My Head Today
UPDATED AGAIN, SEE BOTTOM Chicago is an absolutely great city for bike commuting. I rode 20 miles today and do not think I changed gears once. Take that San Francisco! It was about 65 and sunny when I left my house and I had a tail wind most of the way. Locals should note, Lawrence is a mess between California and Western. I almost fell into a hole in which two guys were working on pipes. For a while, I was behind a middle-aged guy on a beat up Trek in baggy shorts and a RAGBRAI t-shirt. The guy did not appear to be particularly fit, but he was keeping a solid 19-20 MPH pace. That is fast for me. I lost him when I got pinched between a pedestrian with a stroller on the right and a slow moving couple riding side-by-side on the left. So, for being that fast, about my age, and having done the RAGBRAI, I declare him my hero of the day. If it turns out got the shirt second hand, I will retract the accolades. On another front, I finally caved to pressure and created a Facebook page. Here