Notes on Blogging

Lately, my posts have been pretty specific to customs law. I can tell from my reader stats that with the exception of my possibly obsessive-compulsive brother, most visitors to this site are interested in technical legal information. I will continue to provide that.

However, two things compel me to remind readers that I have covered things as diverse as my bike ride to work and the mystery that is Clifford the Big Red Dog. First, spring is almost here and I have recently dragged my sorry self onto my bike (in a trainer) to get ready for cycling to work and hopefully drop some winter weight. You are likely to hear about these things in the future. Second, I enjoy the blogging process but don't always have really relevant customs-related information to convey. So, be prepared and be patient. I'll flag as off topic these personal asides.

Also, as is always the case, if you have suggestions for topics to cover, please let me know either through comments or via e-mail.


Anonymous said…'s a topic to discuss: "First sale rule", benefits, risk, etc
Anonymous said…
Hi's another topic - why does it take CBP so long to take "official" action on proposed rules after the public comment period ends.

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