Road Block

According to smarmy Phil Keoghan, a road block is a task only one person may perform.

Last night, pretty strong storms came through. This morning, I rode my bike to work. Through the magic of the Treo 700p camera, I can show you a real road block. This one is around Foster on the Lakefront bike path.

Also sighted on the ride today:

A guy running in what looked like a pair of ski boots with leaf springs attached at the bottom. They looked as if they had come from the Hanna-Barbera workshop. I have no idea what these are called and I can't find a picture to illustrate them.

A woman riding a Trek 730 with a milk crate basket on the back. Attached to the basket was a license-plate style sign emblazoned with the slogan "Bicycling: A quiet statement against oil," or something similar. She was impressively fast.

UPDATE: They are called Kangoo Jumps. You be the judge.


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