CAFTA-DR Coming Together

It looks like we might have CAFTA by January 1, 2006. The USTR announced that Nicaragua has approved the agreement. Since I am short on words at the moment, here is the entirety of the USTR statement:

Statement of USTR Spokesperson Neena Moorjani Regarding Nicaragua’s Passage of CAFTA-DR


“We congratulate the Nicaraguan government for passing the Central America-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement.

“They now join El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, the Dominican Republic and the United States in approving the CAFTA-DR.

"We have met with representatives of the CAFTA-DR governments recently and we are working towards a target date of January 1, 2006, for implementing this agreement.

“This agreement levels the playing field for American workers, farmers and businesses, expands choices for consumers and strengthens democracies with our neighbors.”


Anonymous said…
Not a big site here for comments. Just thought I'd leave one and get you excited.

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