Ruling of the Week 2016.13: Kimera Koffee

If you have been around here long enough, you know I am a skeptical guy. I believe the consensus of medical science is in a better position than the guy at the supplement store to give medical advice. I also believe that eating or drinking something with the intention of modifying the way your body works is a medical decision whether you are taking a prescription drug or a "natural" supplement. I suspect the prescription drug has a better chance of actually working as advertised than does the supplement, but both are drugs.

With that in mind, I read HQ H268556 (Dec. 15, 2015), which considers the tariff classification of Kimera Koffee. This particular product is about 95% coffee, but it has been "boosted" with taurine, alpha GPC 50%, L-theanine, and DMAE (Deanol). As  result, the coffee is advertised as enhancing cognitive performance, boosting energy levels, improving focus and concentration, and enhancing athletic performance.

The additives are a class of products known a nootropics, also called "smart drugs." Here is a good overview of the science of nootropics from Yale neurologist Dr. Steven Novella. The article does not address the specific additives in Kimera Koffee, but the conclusion is interesting. Stimulants provide a subjective experience of enhanced performance. That makes me think that the caffeine in the coffee might be the nootropic we all already know and love. Personally, I like my nootropic in the form of a cappuccino from Intelligentsia in Chicago.

I'm not saying that the additives in this product don't work. I don't know that, and I suspect they do provide an additional jolt. But, there are a couple legal issues raised.

First, what about the tariff classification? In the ruling, Customs had to decide whether this is coffee of HTSUS Heading 0901 or preparations of coffee in Heading 2101. According to prior rulings, a preparation of coffee includes coffee with sugar, milk, etc. regardless of changes in the finished products' physical characteristics. But, coffee mixed with natural or artificial flavors has been classified as coffee, rather than as a preparation.

Although the added supplements are not flavorings, Customs believes the analysis is similar. This did not get a lot of analysis, and I think it is legally dubious. But, there it is. Customs classified this product as coffee in subheading 0901.21. As a side note, coffee of 0901.21 is exempt from country of origin marking.

The second question I have is whether this should be regulated as a drug. Assuming it falls into the category of supplements rather than drugs, it should be labeled to say that the statements about performance enhancement have not been evaluated by the FDA and that this coffee is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. That is the magic get-out-of-FDA-jail-free card for supplement sellers. Section 201(g) of the Food, Drug & Cosmetics Act defines a drug as, in part, "articles (other than food) intended to affect the structure or any function of the body of man or other animals." By its own advertising, this coffee is designed to affect the function of the human brain. By my reading, that is a drug. Of course, I can also get a cup of coffee with my apple pie, making it food. That is enough to take it out of the scope of the Act. Is that the right analysis though? It seems that by adding those ingredients to coffee for the purpose of affecting brain function, the coffee is being used as a delivery system rather than food. If I put insulin in chocolate pudding, is it no longer regulated as a drug?

Lucky for me, this is the Customs Law Blog and I don't need to know the answer to these questions. If you, on the other hand, are a F&D lawyer, please let me know how this plays out for Kimera Koffee and similar "boosted" products.


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