This is a test.

Let me know if this works and what you think. And, as always, it is not legal advice.


Jim Dickeson said…
It works, but...

I'm not a big fan of Prezi. Too often it creates motion sickness, though yours isn't bad in this regard. Suggestion: Leaving the Preference A circle to travel over to the image of the open pit mine creates a disconnect between the two. In Prezi fashion, why not put a tiny image of the mine inside the Preference A circle and zoom in on it, making them more connected.

Also, when it comes to audio/visual, you're missing half the boat when you don't have a spoken narration. I do a lot of training and blog tutorials where I use a video with synced audio narration at my web site, ImportExportGeeks.

I'm also branching out beyond the compliance world to do more of this over at PapayaWorks.
Larry said…
Sea sickness is a Prezi problem. I like that developing a Prezi requires more careful thinking about the presentation and the overall message. My plan is to add audio, so check back.
Steve Aiello said…
I tried it in IE and Firefox and it worked well in both.

Might be a good visual for newbie NAFTA staff to review the data point requirements then take them to the form where it would be input - completing the form as you go.

Glad so see you will present @ ICPA in Orlando...good for the members.

Take care and keep blogging,

Steve Aiello (anonymous)
Anonymous said…
Unfortunatly, Prezi violates my Company's IT security policies, so I guess I'll be viewing this via personal device.

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