Show Some Love

I know you are all holding your breath waiting for my review of the Federal Circuit's decision in Ark Foods. I promise to get to it soon. In the meantime, if I may make a shameless plug for myself, please support my blog in the ABA's quest for the Blawg 100. Here are the details:

Dear Blawgger:
We're working on our list of the 100 best legal blogs, and we'd like your advice on which blawgs you think we should include and/or what practice areas you'd like to see represented in the Blawg 100.
Use the Blawg 100 Amici form to tell us about a blawg——not your own——that you read regularly that you think other lawyers should know about. If there is more than one blawg you want to support, please send us additional amici through the form. We may include some of the best comments in our Blawg 100 coverage. But keep your remarks pithy——you have a 500-character limit.
Editors make the final decisions about what's included in the Blawg 100; this isn't a scenario in which the blawgs that receive the most amici are the ones that make the list. A blawg with no amici support at all can still make our list. See the amici form page for additional information about amici and Blawg 100 criteria. 
Friend-of-the-blawg briefs are due no later than Friday, Sept. 9.


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