Greetings from Chicago & Happy Blogoversary

Yes, I am here. Things have been very busy the past several weeks. That is a good thing; I am not complaining. Also, I have not seen much in the way of developments that merit a much analysis. Of course, I am behind in my reading, so there may be things in the pipeline.

On Wednesday, this blog celebrated its sixth anniversary. As blogs go, that is fairly remarkable and I am still pleased with both the content and the traffic. Thanks for helping to make the blog both satisfying for me to write and, I hope, enjoyable for you to read.

As an experiment in blogging, I am willing to crowd source the blog. If you have something related to customs compliance, trade law, export controls, cycling, or technology that merits a mention in this blog, send it to me. Keep it to about 100 words or less. If I think it is interesting, I will post it and give you credit. Competing law firms are not excluded but entirely commercial messages will not make the cut.

I am here for you 365 days a year. I rarely ask for anything. Just this once, in my hour of need, toss me a bone.


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