Caviar Redux

Way back in the early days of this blog, when I was funny, I covered the U.S. ban on certain types of caviar. The Fish & Wildlife Service would like you all to know that the ban applies, in certain circumstances, to cruise ships and international passenger aircraft. Basically, they can't sell the affected types of caviar because that constitutes a commercial import or export in violation of the Convention on the International Traffic in Endangered Species or the U.S. Endangered Species Act. Those carriers can serve caviar to passengers but are not permitted more than 125g per passenger. Plus, it appears from the FWS document, that the caviar must all be consumed on board.

So, for all you sophisticates out there, if you are jonesing for some caviar on your next international flight, don't expect more than 125g and don't expect to be able to buy an extra pot in flight. Personally, I'm not a big fan.

UPDATE: Speaking of FWS, is that 55 live turtles in your luggage?


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