Blog Update

By that title, I mean this is an update about the blog. My routine in the morning is to check the Federal Register for agency updates and the Court of International Trade and Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit pages for new cases. I also have Google alerts for relevant topics. I tweet the little things that strike me as interesting or amusing. And, I feel like it has been quiet lately. Not much has seemed blog-worthy.

I do have the UPS decision from the Court of International Trade sitting on my desk. I'll blog that sooner or later. The bottom line, though, is simple. In broker penalty cases, Customs is supposed to consider a list of 10 elements when setting penalties. If it fails to consider all 10, it did not do its job and any penalty assessed is invalid.

On the more general front, I've got some speaking events coming up. I'll be at the Georgetown International Trade Update February 25-26, and at ICPA's Orlando meeting March 14-18. For those in the oil business, I'll also be at API in San Antonio March 7-9. Yes, that is a busy stretch.


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