Miami 2009 & DiCarlo Lecture

I know this is short notice, but if anyone is going to be in Miami tomorrow for the ABA Section of International Law Fall Meeting, please say hello to me. I will be helping to moderate a panel on transfer price for customs and income tax Thursday at 8:30 AM. Apparently, the ABA felt the driest possible topic should start off the morning. Friday there is a tour of MIA Customs and Border Protection cargo facility. I am not sure if I will make that because I have a flight to catch Friday evening.

While I am thinking of it, if you are in Chicago next week, I'll be introducing U.S. Court of International Trade Judge Timothy Stanceu at the annual DiCarlo lecture. This lecture is named in memory of "my judge," Dominick L. DiCarlo who was Chief Judge of the Court of International Trade. Judge DiCarlo had three successive John Marshall grads as law clerks. Judge Stanceu is, I think, the eight judge to speak in the series. Information is available here.


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