Late News: Canada Rulings/Tire Decision

At the moment, I am continuing my tour of places called St. John. St. John, USVI, is one of my very favorite places on the planet. A few years ago, I was thrilled to get an invitation from the CBA to speak in Saint John's and only slighted disappointed to discover it was not the Caribbean Bar but the Canadian Bar talking about a meeting in St. John's Newfoundland. St. John's turned out to be a lovely seaside town with good fish & chips. Today, I am in Saint John, New Brunswick, which is an entirely different seaside town in Canada. This one is famously on the Bay of Fundy, home of 28 foot tidal swings. I was slightly worried that I would make the wrong connection in Toronto and end up in the wrong John. I am thinking of making a swing through San Juan, Puerto Rico on the way home.

On to the news of the day:

Speaking of Canada, at long last, Canada Border Services Agency is starting to post summaries of its classification ruling decisions. You can see the dozen or so they have posted so far here.

Also of interest may be the fact that the US International Trade Commission has voted to permit safeguard remedies against passenger car and light truck tires from China. This finding gives President Obama the opportunity to craft a remedy to protect US producers. An interesting aspect of this kind of case (called a 421 case) is that it does not target unfair trade practices. Instead, it focuses on the inability of the domestic industry to adjust to rapid changes in trade. The ITC will propose a remedy to the President. In its petition, the US industry requested import quotas. Here is a press release about the decision. It does not appear that the decision has been published.

Tomorrow, I fly home very early.


Protecting US producers, that's all I hear lately. Sounds a lot like protectionism, and we all know what that means. And I though Mr. Obama was all for free trade around the whole planet. I guess the troubles of his own country are more important to him than anything else.

Take care, Elli

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