Back at My Desk

Well, I should say "a" desk.

Due to the dearth of comments, I gather nothing of particular importance happened while I was gone. I guess that is good.

I started my week away with the move of our office to new space within the building. The sad part of that story is that even when you move within a building, you still need to pack. The new space is a much better configuration than what we had and represents a more modern view of office design. By that, I mean it more closely represents my view of office design. As a result, I have a very nice office with a view of the Chicago River. I also have about 30% less floor space than I had. At the same time, I claimed a desk that is about 50% larger than my previous desk. Can you do that math? Apparently, I could not.

I am now sitting with my back to the long wall and my right side to the window. This is not an ideal arrangement. I am looking at a wall and would rather look toward the door. The desk takes up an inordinate amount of room. So much so that the movers, who were a bit slap happy at close to midnight, laughed as they tried to situate it for me. Now I need a new desk and, frankly, have limited interested in going shopping. I would like one or more of those Walter E. Smithe brothers (that may be a Chicago-centric reference) to miraculously show up with a desk for me. I'll be in one of their clever commercials if they do, I promise.

On my vacation jaunt I learned a couple things:
  • Southern Indiana is riddled with caves.
  • Daniel Boone had a younger brother named Squire who explored some of those caves.
  • The Cincinnati area has an inexplicable obsession with a pork and oatmeal sausage called goetta. I even attended Goettafest 2008, although I declined to partake.
  • When it is hot, a water park beats an amusement park.
  • Never let someone who has no kids tell you whether a roller coaster is suitable for an 7-year old.
  • Graeter's makes an outstanding black raspberry chip.
  • XM radio rocks.


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