Export News

It's not exactly CROSS, but the Bureau of Industry and Security has finally produced an online database of guidance on exports subject to the Export Administration Regulation. Here's a link:

U. S. Bureau of Industry and Security - Policies and Regulations

Plus, while I am thinking about exports, a helpful e-mailer reminded me that I have failed to cover the long-anticipated actual implementation of mandatory electronic filing of export documents via the Automated Export System (or AESDirect). The new rule requiring electronic filing takes effect July 2 although enforcement will be delayed until October 1, 2008.

Census has put together some resources for the trade. Those can be found here.

I know there is a segment of my readers who would like a detailed dissection of the new rule. I recognize that there is a place for that. It's just not here. I like to stick to the big picture or, where court decisions are involved, the excruciatingly small picture. More on that later. In lieu of attacking the Mandatory AES rule myself, I'll let Cortney Morgan, an associate in the DC office of my law firm, do the dirty work.


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