
Clearly I have no friends in the highest reaches of the American Bar Association, an organization to which I have given years of effort and cold cash in the form of dues, travel expenses, and time away from work. And yet, hard as it may be for you--my dedicated readers--to accept, once again I have been snubbed. For reasons that can only relate to an ongoing conspiracy to silence and discredit me, I have been left off the Blawg 100!

Sure, I am less snarky than David Lat of Above the Law and not nearly as prolific as Denise Howell of Bag & Baggage, Lawgarithms, and Between Lawyers. Nor am I as high-brow as Mr. Becker's and Judge Posner's The Becker-Posner Blog. But, so what? What do those guys know about the tariff classification of control knobs for appliances? Nothing, I tell you; and that is not an uncomplicated topic.

I will soldier on. No doubt, like van Gogh or Pauly Shore, my true genius will only be recognized after my death.


Karin said…
I'm sure if they had a category for Customs and International Law you would have made the Top 10!
Anonymous said…
In our Customs world, your blog is Tops. Keep it up. You provide an invaluable service to your readers!

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