More on the North American Union

I am not particularly interested in writing political commentary. My previous gasp of frustration about the alleged conspiracy to trade away the U.S. in favor of a North American Union should stand as an exception to that rule. I want this blog to help readers deal with real business issues involving customs and trade law compliance.

That said, this issue irks me. Those who see a plan to form a NAU are misrepresenting important business inititatives aimed at improving regional competitiveness and security and are taking academic discussions to be governmental policy. It's all crap.

A rational voice on this in Michael Medved, a film critic and right-leaning commentator with whom I would likely disagree on most questions of actual policy. The issue here, however, is not about an actual policy. Rather, it is about identifying those who are either lying to create fear for their personal or political gain or who are truly misinformed.

OK, I hope I am done with this.

It's a new year. Everyone should be thinking about whether their legal house is in order. Let's talk about compliance reviews next.


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