Where is Mandatory AES?

International Trade Today, put out by Broker Power, Inc., ran an interesting piece on December 19th in which Census sources indicated that the final rule on the mandatory use of the electronic Automated Export System (AES) for filing export documents remains a goal for the future. Census claims it will make a push for adoption of the electronic system in 2007 and will encourage large paper filers to make the switch voluntarily.

More ominous, Broker Power reports that Census is going to begin "visits" to AES users. These visits will be used to determine the procedures in place at compliant companies and to "assist" those in need of compliance improvements. That assistance might include referral of violations to the relevant agency (i.e., Custsoms, BIS, or State).

AES filing is something everyone will have to get used to--eventually. You may as well get started on a voluntary basis. At least look at the online training tools.


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