Ruling of the Week 2016.3: Deductive Value
I tend to get focused on classification here on the Customs Law Blog. But, this is not the Tariff Classification Law Blog. Our scope if broader. With that in mind, we should also look at the other side of the duty calculation: value. Most importers understand that value is usually "transaction value" plus statutory additions including assists, royalties, and commissions. Look at 19 USC § 1401a . Most of the time, that will get you through the day. But, it does not work when you don't have a sale for export to the United States or when the price is affected by the relationship between the parties. In those cases, we need to turn to an alternative method of valuation. When transaction value fails, the statute requires that the goods be appraised based on a hierarchy of methods. The first alternative is the transaction value of identical or similar merchandise. For purposes of today, I am skipping that and going to deductive value. Why? Because its my blog. The ruling fo...